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Good Words about The Writer's Champion
As we talked, I sensed that she wanted to become a serious writer. We stayed in touch, and in 2007, I again spoke at Write-to-Publish as the keynoter and Twila was there. My career had taken off, and I was getting many calls to speak. I needed someone to coordinate events for me. I sensed Twila was God's choice. We joke that I expected her to work only two to three hours a week, but within a month she had become a full-time employee and invaluable helper. After I retired in 2019, she has continued to work for me part time. Twila attended conferences and speaking engagements with me and absorbed everything I taught. Before long she was encouraging aspiring and established writers and giving them advice for their next steps. In 2010, I asked, "What do you really want to do?" "To write a book with you." We did four books together, and she has authored four others, including two devotional books that have sold well. More recently, Twila has moved into ghostwriting. Over the years, she's become an outstanding public speaker. And she's a constant source of encouragement to writers, especially those just beginning their journey into publishing. Besides being highly energetic, I appreciate that Twila comes up with creative ideas. Cecil Murphey—Author of more than 140 books, including the multi-million bestsellers 90 Minutes in Heaven (with Don Piper) and Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (with Dr. Ben Carson) (www.cecilmurphey.com)
I met Twila outside the one-on-one m Chuck Carr—Author and Speaker
Twila Belk is an exceptional publishing industry mentor known for her expertise and encouragement who enjoys supporting other authors. She is a wealth of resources and is generous in including others in her broad network of industry professionals. Her dynamic approach to instruction when teaching at conferences is engaging, humorous, and packed with energy. Twila's keynotes are memorable, educational, and overflowing with spiritual insight. Those who partner with Twila on their writing journey are fortunate because of her wisdom and nurturing, kind disposition. Dr. Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes—Writer, Speaker, Educator, Podcaster
Rodney Combs, Ph.D.—Pastor, Writer, Speaker, Coach (www.rodneycombs.com)
Twila says she's the Gotta Tell Somebody Gal who loves braggin' on God. It's true; she does. But she also loves to champion and brag on other writers who long to share their God stories through writing, speaking, and publication. I, for one, am so grateful for her servant heart in this mission. Robin Grunder—Author of Memoir in the Margins of Psalms, Ghostwriter, Founder of Legacy Press (www.robingrunder.org)
Warm, witty, and wise. Author and speaker Twila Belk’s effervescent personality and zeal for God and people shine through. She is a much loved, respected, long-time professional— an expert in the writing, publishing, and book retail industry. Known as the Gotta Tell Somebody Gal, Twila’s experience includes spiritual instructor, writing coach, conference director, and assistant to renowned Christian author and writing mentor Cecil Murphey. Twila is good medicine: she makes me laugh. She is an adept teacher and a kind encourager well suited to be The Writer’s Champion. Rachael M. Colby—A Grateful Scribbler (www.tattooitonyourheart.com)
Get ready for the infusion of your life! Twila's vast well of knowledge runs deep and wide. Encouragement pours from her easily and your soul is nourished. Ask a question, receive the answer. Twila generously gave my heart, mind, and spirit excitement, agitating me to move forward in what God is calling me to accomplish. Thank you, Twila. Kelly Fordyce Martindale—Author, Parenting Ain't Pretty
Chris Hennessy—Award-Winning Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer (www.henchris.com)
But she didn't start there. She's an industry insider who remembers what it was like to be on the outside looking in. Did I mention Twila's also a highly respected writing coach? Yep! She can offer advice for developing your manuscript. She can evaluate your book proposal. She's a creative marketing genius. Seriously. She knows what you need to include in your conference one-sheet. And she can share industry insights about which agent or publisher might be a good fit for you. And that's just for starters! But her superpower is encouragement based upon her relationship with Christ. As you work with Twila, your self-confidence will grow by leaps and bounds, your gifts will be refined even further, and you'll feel God's pleasure with your progress both as a person and as a professional. Through the years, she's championed many writers who've gone on to have great success. Let her be your champion. Consider investing in an hour-long session to discover the many ways she can help you fulfill God's call. Patricia Durgin, Marketing Specialist
Dear Twila, Thank you for the hour you spent with me by phone . . . In one call, your wealth of knowledge and experience pushed me ahead in my knowledge of next steps. Yes, there are lots of practical tips scribbled into my notes from our conversation, but the wisest advice you gave me reflects your heart: "be grateful," "praise God," "watch for any check in your spirit." Angela Unruh—Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
Dear Twila, Thank you for your heart and soul for Jesus—His gifts to you in writing and speaking move me! Meeting you at Write-to-Publish in Wheaton, Illinois, inspired me to welcome any opportunity to bless others with the Word! You touched my heart with your genuine love for the Lord, for writing, and for people. Thank you for all your encouragement in how to be a working writer. Cynthia A. M. Schmahl, Ph.D.—Aspirational Leadership Consultant, Professor, Writer, Public Speaker
Twila, you are a force of nature! Your advice, encouragement, and motivation were exactly what I needed. The way you pour into writers your wisdom and energy is inspiring, and I can’t thank you enough for the impact you’ve had on me in just a short time (and hopefully longer as we bump into each other at later conferences). You have helped me move forward with more clarity and confidence. Adam King, Asheville CWC Conferee
Thank you for the proposal critique you did for my book project. I followed your advice, and my proposal is much improved now. I have just sent it off to the editors and agents I met at the Write-to-Publish Conference. I have so much more confidence that I am representing my work well after reworking it with the specifics you shared with me. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put into such a detailed critique. TW, Conferee
I so appreciate all the time and energy you spent on pouring over my proposal and more. You were a tremendous help and blessing to me. We've heard back from Discovery House who are going to be discussing it at their review committee meeting. Ryan
Meeting you at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference was so much fun. I could see why you are "The Writer's Champion." Thank you for all your encouragement, the ideas you shared, and for cheering me on. LLL, Conferee
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