Twila's Thoughts

A few years ago, I took a StrengthsFinder test and learned that my number one strength was "Strategic."

"That means you're a thinker," someone who knows what they're talking about said.

I didn't realize I was a thinker until I thought about it. And now that I know I'm a thinker, I've been doing lots of thinking.

I decided to share some of my random thoughts here. Maybe they'll give you encouragement or hope or spur you on to do some thinking of your own. They might even cause you to giggle or laugh out loud. Whatever happens, enjoy!



How can you celebrate your uniqueness today?
The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power (1 Corinthians 4:20).
God has emphasized to me over the years that whatever I focus on becomes magnified. If my attention is on my circumstances, they become overwhelming to me and start to control my life. But if I fix my thoughts on God, He becomes magnified in my heart and mind. My eyes are opened to who He is and what He's able to do. Fixing our thoughts on God isn't always easy, but it's so worthwhile.
What impossible thing would you like God to birth in you?
Wondering when God's going to move that mountain in front of you? Maybe He has another plan.
Sometimes I get distracted thinking about important life issues. How about you?
If you could get a grip on how big God is and that nothing is impossible for Him, what big thing would you pray for?
God is a prepositional God.
What would happen if you aligned your thinking with the size of your God?
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