Topics for Writers Conferences

In addition to directing the Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference for eight years and another conference for two years, I've taught at the following writers conferences and keynoted at several of them. 

  • Quad-Cities Christian Writers Conference
  • Presbyterian Writers Conference
  • Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference
  • Colorado Christian Writers Conference
  • Florida Christian Writers Conference
  • CLASS Christian Writers Conference
  • Kentucky Christian Writers Conference
  • David Collins Writers Conference
  • Midwest Writing Center
  • Speak Up Conference 
  • East Metro Atlanta Christian Writers Conference 
  • Breathe Christian Writers Conference
  • Write-to-Publish 
  • Cedar Falls Christian Writers Conference
  • East Texas Christian Writers Conference 
  • Writer to Writer Conference 
  • Called to Write Conference
  • Wordsowers Christian Writers Conference
  • Faith Writers Conference
  • The Journey Writers Workshop
  • Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

Good words:
"Walking into a room where Twila Belk is speaking is like walking into a room where creative energy and fresh ideas are flowing. As a presenter, she is dynamic, energetic, and enthusiastic. Her presentations and her books are filled with excellent content, and her goal is to equip listeners and readers to follow biblical truth that transforms lives. Twila speaks at women's retreats and conferences, but she is also an outstanding choice for writers' workshops. She has the heart of a mentor and loves to interact with participants on and off the platform. Twila has my highest recommendation." Carol Kent: Speaker and Author of Unquenchable: Grow a Wildfire Faith that Will Endure Anything (Zondervan); Founder and Director of Speak Up Conferences 
"Twila Belk is a fine speaker who blends her expansive knowledge of writing and publishing with her unique brand of humor to create workshops and keynotes that are fun and informative. She's a definite asset to any conference." Ann Byle, Co-founder of Breathe Christian Writers' Conference
"Chonda Pierce, author and comedian, was scheduled to do the keynote addresses for the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference and had to cancel due to an emergency family medical crisis. Twila Belk, already scheduled as a faculty workshop presenter, was asked the night before the conference began to fill in for Chonda as our keynote speaker. Twila's three keynote addresses were very timely and on target! The consensus of the conference was that 'she was awesome.'"  Barbara Wells, KCWC Coordinator

"Hi Twila, I thoroughly enjoyed your workshops and speaking presentation this weekend at the Called to Write Writers Conference in Pittsburg, KS. You are insightful, well-connected, and hilarious! I also love the fact that you can connect to lots of different kinds of people, even factory workers. I have also worked at various jobs and am learning to connect to those people. God doesn't waste anything, even though it feels like it sometimes. Thank you so much for what you taught me about just going for what God wants us to do, getting connected to others, and getting His message out there . . . You are a shining jewel to writers like me everywhere! Keep up the encouraging work!" S. H., Conferee

"Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, experience, and heart with us. I came away with a brain full of tips and book ideas. My confidence that God is going to use my writing and speaking skyrocketed." S. S., Conferee


I can teach/speak on the following topics (and more). I'm happy to develop other topics to fit your needs.
Plenary Topics
Get It Out!
A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Becoming a Writer
What's God Got to Do with It?
Lessons from the Giraffe
What's Holding You Back?

Workshop Topics 
(Many of these topics can be expanded to use as a continuing class or pre-conference session.)

What's Holding You Back?
What's holding you back from entering your writing "Promised Land"? Fear? Unbelief? Giants? The comparison game? Bad reports? Big buts? If only's? Don't get stuck wandering aimlessly in the wilderness. Learn how to take possession of the land.

Get It Out!
We have a message burning inside us—something we need to tell the world—and if we don't get it out it'll hurt us! In this class, we'll discuss obstacles that interfere with getting it out and how to keep from dying with the story still in us.  

Lessons from the Giraffe
A giraffe may not be able to teach us how to write, but we can gain inspiration and learn important lessons from observing the animal. We'll discuss how to survive, stand tall, stretch our limits, and stick out as a writer.

A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Becoming a Writer
A fun and inspiring talk about what God can do in the lives of those who trust and obey then get out of the way.

A Working Writer
Few authors make a living from writing books alone. The rest of us who want to be working writers need to diversify. In this class, we'll discuss potential streams of income, the importance of connections, business practices, and self-care for working writers. We'll also include plenty of tips and ideas. (This topic works well as a continuing class.)

Self-Editing, Spelling, and Style
Why is self-editing important? What should we look for when editing our project? What are some of the commonly misspelled words that are often overlooked? Where can we go for answers on style issues? In this class, you'll learn about writing problems, get the help of a writer's checklist, and receive recommendations for valuable resources. When equipped with this knowledge, you can take your work to a new level.

Make Your Writing Sing
Your writing doesn't have to be dull and monotonous. Give your words rhythm. Create melodies. Build crescendos. Learn strategies for how to make your writing sing and give your reader an enjoyable and memorable experience.

More Than a Manuscript
A book project involves much more than a manuscript. You need to think about the back cover copy, endorsements, a bio, and other things. In this session, we'll discuss these important elements and how to make them work for you.

Overcoming the Hang-Ups
We have a gift. We have a passion to write. We want to get our messages out and into the world. BUT our mind messes with us, and we struggle with hang-ups. These hang-ups could be imposter syndrome, the comparison game, trying to be someone we're not, fear of transparency, or any number of things. How do we overcome our hang-ups and confidently move forward with our writing?

Is Ghostwriting (Collaborating) for You?
Is ghostwriting (collaborating) a good fit for you? We'll discuss what it takes, the pros and cons, expectations, the process, and more. Not only will Twila share from personal experience, but she will also include lots information from one of the most beloved collaborators in the industry, Cecil Murphey.

Unleash the Writer Within
Beloved author Cecil (Cec) Murphey says, "The best kind of writing occurs when it comes from the heart. It's called being authentic or transparent." He also advises, "Be you when you write." We'll discuss how to do that and learn from some of the important points he makes in his book Unleash the Writer Within.

Ten Things that Separate the Pros from the Amateurs
Learn steps to take and habits you can develop that will make you stand out like a pro.

Writing Beyond the Book
Three truths: (1) Words have power. (2) We can change the world one well-written word at a time. (3) Our words don't have to be in books to make an impact. Writing opportunities come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some can reach more readers than the average best-selling book. We'll discuss opportunities, give tips, brainstorm ideas, and get you thinking beyond the book.

Say It with Humor
A touch of humor can help get your message across in a fun and memorable way. Learn about the benefits of using humor, where to find it, and how to incorporate it in your writing and speaking.

Writing Devos
Not only are devotions a great way to break into the writing world, but they often reach a wider audience and have more of an impact than a 50,000-word book as well. Learn about the important elements of writing devotions and the opportunities available to you.

Getting Started as a Speaker
Writing and speaking are a natural fit. Learn what it takes to get started and grow as a speaker.

Book Proposals That Get You Noticed (This class can include creating one-sheets, if needed.)
Do you want to grab the attention of acquisitions editors? Give them a proposal that stands out among the rest! In this class you'll learn the key components and how-to's of crafting a winning proposal. 

What's a One-sheet and Do I Really Need One?
A one-sheet summarizes the important details of a book proposal and serves as a concise marketing tool. It gives agents and publishers a snapshot of a proposed project. We'll discuss what to do with it and how to make it work for you.

Newsletters, Newsletters: Learn All About Them!
Connect with your audience and grow your platform with newsletters! Learn the benefits of using newsletters, how to get subscribers, what to include, and how to have the best results.

Myth Busters
Common myths abound in the writing and publishing world. Don't let those myths keep you from doing what you were called to do or reaching your full potential as a writer. Let's bust those myths together and get you on the road to significance and success.  

Make the Most of Your Conference Experience
Learn things you can do before, during, and after the conference to make it an experience that benefits you now and in the years to come.

The Basics and Beyond (or How to Get Published)
In this workshop, we'll discuss terminology, resources, industry relationships, opportunities, where to start, how to keep it going, and more.


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